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In this paper, a la carte cash register management information system development of the whole process. A la carte cash register management information system is Xiaoshan Kaiyuan cuisine based on the development of the city, from the basic situation of the hotel start with a systematic analysis of the feasibility, through analysis of the catering industry in the ordinary course of business, a better understanding of the enterprise management features and the presence of The problem on the basis of this, a detailed analysis, the structure of that system, the system design, system implementation aspect, ultimately developed to meet the needs of a la carte restaurant cashier management system. The main function of the management system and checkout Tu Chudian single management. Single-point form, can use the smart way to enter data input, simple and quick accurate. Checkout management of flexible and diverse.
Keywords single point based on the functional structure of the checkout
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In this paper, a la carte cash register management information system development of the whole process. A la carte cash register management information system is Xiaoshan Kaiyuan cuisine based on the development of the city, from the basic situation of the hotel start with a systematic analysis of the feasibility, through analysis of the catering industry in the ordinary course of business, a better understanding of the enterprise management features and the presence of The problem on the basis of this, a detailed analysis, the structure of that system, the system design, system implementation aspect, ultimately developed to meet the needs of a la carte restaurant cashier management system. The main function of the management system and checkout Tu Chudian single management. Single-point form, can use the smart way to enter data input, simple and quick accurate. Checkout management of flexible and diverse.
Keywords single point based on the functional structure of the checkout
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In this paper, a la carte cash register management information system development of the whole process. A la carte cash register management information system is Xiaoshan Kaiyuan cuisine based on the development of the city, from the basic situation of the hotel start with a systematic analysis of the feasibility, through analysis of the catering industry in the ordinary course of business, a better understanding of the enterprise management features and the presence of The problem on the basis of this, a detailed analysis, the structure of that system, the system design, system implementation aspect, ultimately developed to meet the needs of a la carte restaurant cashier management system. The main function of the management system and checkout Tu Chudian single management. Single-point form, can use the smart way to enter data input, simple and quick accurate. Checkout management of flexible and diverse.
Keywords single point based on the functional structure of the checkout
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