关键词 电子商务;二手书网络交易;进销存管理
In the network respected family, electronic commerce is a hot spot. Electronic commerce most basic manifests is on-line sale. “the net” the character means that it has the information age characteristics and so on quick convenience. In fact electronic commerce's appearance, for consumer's status, expended the idea to bring the important change. Electronic commerce's on-line practice, is starts from on-line sale, “on-line clothing sale” has broken the traditional sales form, the store and the network union is one kind of typical shopping website utilization. “on-line clothing sale” in fact is the movement in Web in a server's Web application procedure. Using the page, the script procedure realizes “the clothing” operations and so on purchase control, sales management, stock management. “on-line clothing sale” selects and purchases, the backstage by the onstage to manage two major part is composed. The manager may through the backstage management system management system, carry on the commodity information and so on management, member's management, order form management synthesis operations, the member may carry on the free shopping through the onstage, has facilitated the user application greatly, and simplified the operation flow. Looking from China's overall situation, on-line shopping already entered a relatively steady development phase now. Expend the idea along with on-line store's popularization and the people the change, very much will have from now on also the development potential. Therefore the development on-line shopping is very essential, is stage which the world must pass through.
Key words electronic commerce clothing sales Enters sells saves the management
第2章 可行性分析 由于资源缺乏和交付时间限制的困扰,使得基于计算机系统的开发变得比较困难。因此,尽早对软件项目的可行性做出细致而谨慎的评估是十分必要的。如果在定义阶段及早发现将来可能在开发过程中遇到的问题,及早做出决定,可以避免大量的人力、财力、时间上的浪费。 现在社会竞争力很大,大家为了更好的发展自己的事业,大部分的时间都投入到工作、学习中。为了使人们能够将有限的时间投入到有效的事业上,所以我们将网站的安全性,可靠性,实用性等设计得很人性化。在这种新的营销环境下,网络营销呈现出其独有的特点。 1. 全球性:网络营销给企业带来了无限的商机,同时也将企业推向一个更广阔、更具选择性的全球市场。互联网信息量大、时效长、且信息交换不受时空的限制,可以随时随地每天24小时提供全球性营销服务。 2. 互动性:网络营销使得企业可以通过网上留言版和电子邮件等信息手段,与顾客作双向互动沟通,实时了解消费者的需求,对企业的营销活动发挥着必不可少的作用。 3. 高效性:信息的快速传播与获取,使得企业可以迅速掌握市场行情。顾客在网上就可以实现购物、交易,节省了时间和精力,提高了工作效率。 4. 经济性:网络营销给交易双方带来了经济上的利益。厂商通过网络直接与顾客联系,减少了沟通的环节,使得销售渠道更加直接。网络销售为消费者节省了大量的时间和精力。网络使得产品价格透明化,减少消费者与营销人员面对面可能带来的冲突。